As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve started an online D&D Fourth Edition game, complete with recruiting players online (as opposed to my current game that started with an in-person game and morphed online due to distance between players and DM). I thought my experience might be useful for anyone else who wants to start a game online, so I’m sharing it here in “real time.”
The game began with another poster on EN World, Palacer, putting up a post announcing that he really wants to play more D&D and is interested in an online game. Several others chimed in to say that they wanted the same thing, and I said that I was also interested in either playing or DMing. Well, no one else stepped up to DM, so I was recruited!
I put up a post in the thread laying out the overview of the game:
- Sign-ups were now open
- I was planning on a 5-PC campaign, starting off with more focus on combat but incorporating more role playing over time
- Interested players should put a post in the thread and send me an email
- Players should include their EN World handle, the name they would like to go by in the game, their preference for starting level (level 1 versus level 6), their available times to play and their thoughts on what characters they would like to play
Seven people followed the instructions, putting posts on the forum and sending me emails. At the end of the day I put up another post saying that I would leave sign-ups open for one more day and then close them.
This evening I had seven players – well, eight if you count a couple that may be playing one character or two. I sent an email to the group with more details:
- We’ll get together for our first session this Friday evening
- We’ll be on Skype and MapTool – I shared my contact information for both of those
- I laid out character creation guidelines (no Eberron or Dragon Magazine, standard starting gold, actual characters preferred over min-maxed beasts)
- I asked everyone to start sharing their characters in email and to send me their Character Builder files (partly so I could program up some MapTool macros for them)
- Also, we’re going to play a session at level 1, then jump to 4, then probably to 7. The players generally want to get to higher levels more quickly, but some players (and I) are pretty new and want to start off slowly.
So far so good! I’ve got seven players and we’ve found a time that, in theory at least, will work for all of us. Next step: Getting together all at the same time! Oh, and I need to devise a campaign (little details…). I’m thinking this may be the time to update my campaign that I discovered from years ago, at least as a good starting point.
If you have any advice on this new adventure, I’d love to hear it in the comments.