August is GenCon month in the RPG world. I’m jealous, of course – I live in Colorado and was not able to make it to Indianapolis for the convention. (Side note: The company I work for does have a big presence in Indy, and I’m thinking about seeing if I can get them to send me out there for a business trip just before GenCon next year – free plane ticket for gaming!)
That doesn’t mean I have to be out of luck entirely – Labor Day weekend in Denver means TactiCon! Now, I’ll admit that I don’t really know exactly what TactiCon is all about yet (the brochure is here). I’ve never been to a gaming convention of any sort before. But hey, it’s a 20 minute drive from my house so I might as well make the most of it.
I’m signed up to run two Living Forgotten Realms games for D&D 4th Edition on Saturday using my fancy-schmancy new projector setup. Now that I know it works, I’m really excited to use it at the convention.
I’m also planning to do some shopping at the Con. I don’t currently own any minis, and while the projector setup means that I don’t ever plan to own any monster minis, I would like to have minis for my own player characters, my wife’s player character and some generic player characters to keep on hand in case I run a game where they players lack minis of their own. I’m assuming that a convention is a good place to get minis, right? I don’t mind paying a little bit of a premium to get high quality – preferably metal instead of plastic. My shopping list includes:
- A cloaked figure with a comically oversized sword to represent Kern, my Githzerai avenger
- An armored character with a normal sword to represent Rhogar, the character I play in LFR games
- A dragonborn mace-wielder in chain mail to represent my wife’s runepriest, Zaaria (or really any dragonborn character – Barbara loves dragonborn)
- A few other minis to fill out a random party – something wizard-like, something archer-like, something cleric-like
Naturally, I want to play some games, too. I haven’t played LFR in a while, so if I could get into a couple of games to get Rhogar up to third level, that would be cool. I love board gaming, too, and it looks like there are a ton of games scheduled. Honestly, aside from D&D, I mostly want to explore games that I’ve never played before. I want to check out new board games and play at least one session of an unfamiliar RPG. I’ve heard good things about Savage Worlds, so I might try that.
What recommendations do you have for me, a con virgin? It’s not GenCon, so it won’t be totally overwhelming, but what should I try to see and do? I’ve taken two days off work, so I’m going to make the most of it!