I set my alarm for 6:30 this morning, stumbled over to GenCon and got into the Will Call line. The booth to hand out badges was opening at 7:00.
The bad news was that the line was just as long as it had been yesterday, when they wouldn’t let me in at 8:00 PM because I wouldn’t get to the front by the 9:00 PM closing time.
The good news was that I was not alone! Jason, one of the players from my regular Friday night online game of War of the Burning Sky via MapTool and Skype, lives here in Indianapolis, and we met up outside the convention center to get into the Will Call line together. Having company made the time go much faster.
It took about 50 minutes, but I eventually made it to the front of the line and picked up my own badge as well as my wife’s (she arrives later today). Woo hoo! #WillCallSucceed!
Jason and I also got into the line to pick up our goodie bags, which only took a couple of minutes. I haven’t explored all of the contents yet, but there’s a coupon book for the vendor hall that I’ll certainly have to check out.
After that, I came back to the Omni to nap for a couple more hours. Now that I’m awake again, it’s time to get a shower, move to the Marriott, and then start gaming!
Feel free to follow me on Twitter (OnlineDM1) for more up-to-the-minute updates. Word on Twitter right now is that the Will Call line has doubled back on itself and it hours long. Ouch. Glad I got up early!
Yeah, will-call was bulls*it this year. They let us in the line at 8:45pm Wednesday (it was basically empty), we made it right up to the point where you split off into lines by last name, the whole area was completely empty. Then they send us away. It was only 8:48. They insisted that they have to close early so they can “get out of there” by 9. On top of that, they just kept standing there, letting people line up and wait, turning them away one by one instead of waling down the line and telling every one “We’re closing early because we want to go out drinking” or whatever the real reason was. So three hour wait this morning – we kept escalating up the management chain due to their closing early the night before until we got our badges. They need to get their act together, they know how many people have registered for will-call pickup beforehand.