I’m excited that my brother-in-law is done with a multi-month training course he had to finish for work and we can now get back to our online D&D game starting this afternoon. The players in the game are my wife, her brother, and his wife. We play via MapTool and Skype. This is the group that I originally ran through Reavers of Harkenwold.
So, next up is Cairn of the Winter King, the adventure from the Monster Vault. I had prepared part of the adventure a few months ago before my brother-in-law had to leave for training, and I spent time yesterday putting the rest of the maps together. I’m still finishing up the monsters, but I thought I’d go ahead and share the maps since they’re ready to go.
As always, I’ve provided versions both with and without the grid, all sized to a 50-pixel per square scale. For the Cairn itself I’ve provided an overview map (not appropriately scaled – just for reference) and then one map for the southern half of the Cairn and a second map for the northern half (they can be stuck together in MapTool).